Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Effects of family size on children’s education.


Education plays vital role in any nation’s building. Educated persons participate in the process of progress. Education gives awareness to human about each and every aspect of life. Especially the education of children is very important for any nation because children are the future of a nation. But all children can’t get equal and proper educational facilities and resources due to some reasons like low economic condition , lack of resources , cultural barriers , lack of parents education and One important factor is family size that greatly effects children’s education in  negative  way . If we see the condition of Asian population increasing day by day therefore; Demographic matters have gained prime importance.


 It has been seen and observed that family income, family type and family size are the most important factors in the quality and quantity of children’s education which they attain during their whole life time. (Jones, 1999 Rosetti, 2000)

It has been observed that there is a negative relationship between family size and educational attainment of the children. Family size increases the access to educational facilities of children of that family decreases. Children belong to small family size show good performance in their academics than those children who belong to larger family size. It has been  measured approximately that children from one child families get 0.21years higher education than those children who belong to larger family size (Black and Laeavuo, 2004)

 The education of children is one of the main and big kind of human’s investment and it is an important equipment that can be used in near future to make continuous progress , to lessen the ratio of  poverty and to increase the standards of life. Education is usually considered as a strong source for decreasing the ratio of poverty and economic development education gives people power and freedom to do anything according to their own choice it increases the earning abilities of an individual that can be helpful in  improving the health and living standard of people and people become able  to compete with others in economic field ( UNICCO and world Bank, 2006)

            Economic issues and family size effect children’s educational attainment badly but the order of birth is also an important factor and it plays important  role in determining the children’s participation in schools and effects the children’s educational outcomes (Manler and Winkelmann, 2004)

As we can see that literacy rate declined after 1991, there are a lot of  reasons socio-economic factors behind this decline which can directly or indirectly effect the education of  children of family like lack of educational facilities, some old traditions ,norms and values in our society that restrict women to have access to the educational facilities  there are some other factors that can affect the education of children including parents education level, their social class, their monthly income and one important thing family size if family size is large there will be less resources to distribute equally among  each child of the family. So the children will not get education we can see this situation in Pakistan.(Ijaz 1995 Stephen, 1993)

            In some families less attention is paid on the education of females than male members of the house. The reason for this discrimination is due to the presence of brothers or male members in family. This relationship between gender and children’s educational attainment was called “sibling Rivalry in the old literature. (Morduch , 2000)

Importance of study

Education has great importance in improving the living standard of nations and it’s a great step towards progress and prosperity. Education is a set of skills that gives human being knowledge and awareness about varies aspects of life and gives courage to handle the different situations of life and to prepare our self for future. Especially the education of children is really important for any nation or country because children and youth are the treasure of a country. There are many factors that affect educational attainment of children like  economic status, home environment, parent’s education level, teacher’s skills and child’s ability to learn. One important factor is family size as we can see that population of world is getting fast and creating a lot of problems. Large family sizes can’t afford the education of their children. So I want to study the negative effects of family size on children’s education.


Based on study findings, it can be concluded that there are many factors that effects of family size on children’s education including economic problems, lack of resources, parent’s education, learning environment etc. One of the important factor is large family size that greatly effects children’s educational attainment.

It was also concluded that majority of the children belonging to large family sizes get less education than those who belong to small families. Because large family size effects the resources which directly effects the children’s educational outcomes. Mostly the less educated or in some cases uneducated children belonged to the large and poor families.

Although the majority of the mothers were less educated or uneducated and have little knowledge about family planning and benefits of small family size but now the conditions are changing a little bit, women are getting awareness about family planning methods. Now they are aware about the importance of children’s education.  

Married and literate women viewed that perceptions of people about family planning has changed.

Most mothers said that large family sizes are creating many problems in providing educational facilities and distributing equal resources between their all children .They said that poverty is also a hurdle in the way of children’s educational attainment; parents have less financial resources to give educational facilities to their many children.

From the above findings it is concluded that government should make policies to improve the living standard of rural people and to reduce poverty .Free educational facilities should provided to rural poor children. Family planning centers should develop near rural area and medical staff should available there round the clock to give information to females.